Design Patterns - Factory

15 Nov 2019

The Factory design pattern assists the creation of an object, but defers the decision about which class to instantiate to subclasses which were built with the job of making those decisions.


There is a common problem in software, particularly complex applications where objects need to create and access instances of other types.

UserConfigurationService service = new UserConfigurationService(argument1, argument2,...);

Creating applications which hard code the choice of which type to make are typically rigid, and are harder to enhance and maintain in the long term. For this reason, this anti-pattern is considered a code smell.

The reason developers try to avoid this hard decision becomes most apparent when we decide to replace the instantiation operation with an alternative type. In this case the new type may require completely different arguments, whilst the old class may be used extensively throughout the application in its old form. The challenge becomes one of a round peg in a square hole.

The decision to take this approach when the application was being architectured, was not one which aided the developer.

classDiagram Product <|-- ConcreteProduct Creator <|-- ConcreteCreator ConcreteProduct <-- ConcreteCreator Creator : +FactoryMethod() // Abstract ConcreteCreator : +FactoryMethod() // Implementation


abstract class Product {

class ConcreteProduct : Product {

abstract class Creator {
    public abstract Product FactoryMethod();

class ConcreteCreator {
    public override Product FactoryMethod() {
        return new ConcreteProduct();



    var product = new ConcreteCreator();