Design Patterns - Singleton

15 Nov 2019

Ensuring only a single instance of a class type exists


A singleton is a special type of class which assists the creation of a single instance of itself, and the access to that instance in such a way as to prevent the unneccessary creation of new instances.


// Non-thread safe singleton example 

public class Singleton {

    private static Singleton _instance = null;

    public static Singleton Instance {
        get {
            if (_instance == null) {
                _instance = new Singleton();

            return _instance;


An example here is a SocketManager, which can be implemented as a Singleton to prevent the accidental duplication of sockets when created, by separate functions which need a Socket.

// Simple thread-safe SocketManager
public class SocketManager {

    private static SocketManager _instance = null;
    private static object _instanceLock = new object();

    public static SocketManager Instance {
        get {
            if (_instance == null) {
                lock(_instanceLock) {
                    if (_instance == null) {
                        _instance = new SocketManager();

            return _instance;

    protected SocketManager() {
        // Called once, when the singleton instance is created

    public Socket CreateSocket(IPAddress address, int port) {

public class TokenServer {
    public void Open() {
        var socket = SocketManager.Instance.CreateSocket(ipAddress, port);