UX Principles

27 Dec 2019

The reason some applications are a pleasure to use typically is because they have been extensively designed to be that way, using thoughtful consideration of the inherent way humans interact with systems. This reduces the friction between the system and encourages better uptake of the final product.

Laws and Theories
#1 - People don't want to work harder than they want or need to.

Make it easy to use

Reduce complexity

Let users determine how to work

#1 - Show users status

Keep users informed

Provide timely feedback to users

#1 - Hicks Law

The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices

#2 - People have limitations

People lose interest quickly

People prefer information which is easy to understand and access

People prefer simplicity over complexity

People tend to understand brevity better than detail

#2 - Design systems which incorporate expected standards

Avoid uniqueness for its own sake

Understand and incorporate current trends

Be brief and provide further detail when required and requested only

#2 - Jacob's Law

Users spend most of their time on other sites, so they prefer your site to work the same way as other sites

#3 Human Memory is complicated

Human memory limitations can quickly reduce a persons perceived experience of a system, particularly when a system does not support a user

#3 - Consistency and Standards

Users expect systems to remember choices

Users will expect system-wide consistency

Avoid situations where users guess how to interact with a system

Encourage and adopt consistency across domain related systems

#3 - Miller's Law

The average person can only keep 7 (plus or minus 2) items in their working memory

#4 - People make mistakes

Making mistakes is normal

Users learn by making mistakes

Help users recover from mistakes

#4 - User Freedom

Avoid rigid systems, but rather allow users to interact on their terms

Help the user identify when errors are made

Help the user recover from errors

#4 Occam's Razor

The simplest solution tends to be the right one. When presented with competing hypothesis to solve a problem, select the solution with the fewest solutions.

#5 - Complexity is undesirable, not insurmountable

Humans typically avoid complex scenarios, but will accept assistance to get complex tasks complete

Most complex scenarios can be reduced to small activities which are achievable with guidance

#5 - Complexity

Identify aspects of a system which are complex

Reduce the complexity where possible, and provide guidance where complexity cannot be reduced.

Use to most simple way to help the user interact with complex systems

#5 - Tesler's Law

For any system, there is a certain amount of complexity which cannot be reduced. (Law of Conservation of Complexity)

#6 - Human visual systems look for patterns and differences

Uniformity is reassuring and helps users understand how items are related, simply by looking similar.

Items which appear different are memorable, and draw the users attention.

#6 - Visual Cues

Help users understand similarities by making similar information look the same.

Help users identify differences by making differences and exceptions look different

Avoid similarity where items are not the same

Avoid difference where items are the same

#6 - Von Restorff Effect

The Isolation Effect predicts that when multiple similar objects are present, the one that differs from the rest is most likely to be remembered.

#7 - Majority Rules

Systems which satisfy the majority of the user base will most likely be considered satisfactory

When large stable systems exhibit large faults, the most likely cause is small, not large

Users will tend to focus on aspects which are not-functional, over aspects which are functional

#7 - Understanding cause and effect on the majority

Focus on aspects which satisfy the greatest need

Avoid focusing on minor aspects, particularly at the cost of more significant aspects

Diagnose and fix big faults first, then small tackle faults

Ensure users observations and grievances are heard and recorded

#7 - Pareto Principle

The Pareto principle states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.