CSS Fundamentals

02 Jan 2020

Cascading Style Sheets provide an additional layer of visual styling over HTML Document Object Model elements, in a hierarchical, forward applied, declarative manner.

CSS Comments

CSS Comments
/*external comment*/ p { /*internal single line comment*/ /*internal multiline comment*/ color: red; }

CSS Selectors

Basic CSS Selectors

syntax type description
p { ... } element selector All document tags of specified type will be effected
#idValue { ... } id selector Any document tags with specified id (typically one) will be effected
.classValue { ... } class selector Any document tags with specified class will be effected
[attr=value] { ... } attribute selector Any document tags with specified attribute having specified value

Combinator Selectors

syntax type description
selectorA + selectorB { ... } adjacent sibling selector Any tag matching selector B which is immediately adjacent to a DOM element matching selector A on the same depth of the DOM, inside the same parent
selectorA ~ selectorB { ... } general sibling selector Any tag matching selector B which is adjacent (but not necessarily immediately adjacent) to a DOM element matching selector A on the same depth of the DOM, inside in the same parent
parent > child { ... } direct child selector Any specified element which is direct child of a parent tag
parent descendant { ... } descendant selector Any tag matching selector B which is adjacent (but not necessarily immediately adjacent) to a DOM element matching selector A on the same depth of the DOM, inside in the same parent
parent descendant { ... } descendant selector Any tag matching selector B which is adjacent (but not necessarily immediately adjacent) to a DOM element matching selector A on the same depth of the DOM, inside in the same parent

Pseudo Selectors

syntax type description
<optional>:active { ... } active selector Applies the style to a DOM element which the user is activating, i.e. click on button
<optional>:focus { ... } focus selector Applies the style on a DOM element which has the current browser focus, i.e. cursor in text box
<optional>:hover { ... } hover selector Applies the style when the mouse cursor is over an element
<optional>:visited { ... } visited selector Applies the style on a link when the browser history remembers a visit to the destination URL
<required>:first-of-type { ... } first-of-type selector Applies the style to the first element of a type
<required>:nth-of-type(p) { ... } nth-of-type selector Applies style to an element using an order condition, where p is comprised of
“a” is an integer value
“n” is the literal letter “n”, used to skip
“+” is an operator and may be either “+” or “-“
“b” is an integer and is required if an operator is included in the formula
<required>:last-of-type { ... } last-of-type selector Applies the style the last element of a type
<required>:n-last-of-type(p) { ... } nth-last-of-type selector Applies style to an element using a reverse order condition, where p is comprised of
“a” is an integer value
“n” is the literal letter “n”, used to skip
“+” is an operator and may be either “+” or “-“
“b” is an integer and is required if an operator is included in the formula
<required>:nth-child(p) { ... } nth-child selector Applies style to a child element using an order condition, where p is comprised of
“a” is an integer value
“n” is the literal letter “n”, used to skip
“+” is an operator and may be either “+” or “-“
“b” is an integer and is required if an operator is included in the formula

Pseudo Elements

syntax type description
<required>::after { content: '...' } after pseudo element Add content directly after a matching selector matched element
<required>::before { content: '...' } before pseudo element Add content directly before a matching selector matched element

CSS Properties

Text Properties

property description
color -
font -
font-family -
font-size -
font-weight -
letter-spacing -
line-height -
text-align -
text-decoration -
text-indent -
text-transformation -
vertical-align -

List Properties

property description Syntax Applies to
list-style Shorthand to set list-style-type, list-style-image, and list-style-position   List items
list-style-image Used to set an image as the list item marker url("..."), none List items
list-style-position Positions a marker relative to list items inside, outside, inherit, initial, unset List items
list-style-type Sets the marker shape See spec List items

Background Properties

property description

Display Properties

property description Value Applies to
display Switch between inline and block, and dictate the behavior for children See spec All elements
float Pushes an element left or right to allow text to wrap around it left, right, none, inline-start, inline-end All elements
clear Asserts that an element should be moved below floating content none, left, right, both, inline-start, inline-end Block level
overflow When text is too large for the container visible, hidden, clip, scroll, auto Block, Flex, Grid
visibility show or hide an element visible, hidden, collapse All elements

Box Properties

property description
border width  

Position Properties

property description

Other Properties

property description


Here’s a summary of the CSS3 Cheat Sheet, which covers some of the most commonly used CSS3 properties and their syntax:


Universal selector: * Type selector: element Class selector: .classname ID selector: #id Descendant selector: element element Child selector: element > element Attribute selector: [attribute=value] Pseudo-class selector: :pseudo-class

Box Model:

width: Sets the width of an element. height: Sets the height of an element. margin: Sets the outer margin of an element. padding: Sets the inner padding of an element. border: Sets the border properties of an element. box-sizing: Defines how the width and height of an element are calculated.


position: Specifies the positioning method (static, relative, absolute, fixed). top, right, bottom, left: Specifies the offset of a positioned element. z-index: Specifies the stacking order of positioned elements.


font-family: Sets the font family for text. font-size: Sets the font size. font-weight: Sets the font weight (bold, normal). font-style: Sets the font style (italic, normal). text-align: Aligns text (left, right, center, justify). text-decoration: Sets text decorations (underline, line-through).

Colors and Backgrounds:

color: Sets the text color. background-color: Sets the background color. background-image: Sets the background image. background-size: Defines how the background image is sized. background-position: Sets the starting position of the background image.

Display and Layout:

display: Specifies the display type of an element (block, inline, inline-block). float: Allows an element to be floated to the left or right. clear: Specifies which sides of an element other floating elements are not allowed. overflow: Defines how content that overflows an element is handled. flexbox: A flexible box layout model to create responsive layouts. grid: A grid layout model to create grid-based layouts.

Transitions and Animations:

transition: Specifies transition properties (property, duration, timing function). transform: Applies transformations (translate, rotate, scale, etc.) to elements. animation: Specifies animations (name, duration, timing function, etc.).

Media Queries:

@media: Defines styles for specific device characteristics or screen sizes.

These are just some of the key properties and concepts in CSS3. CSS3 offers many more features and options for styling and layout, allowing developers to create visually appealing and responsive web pages.