GIT Patterns

02 Jan 2020

GIT is a popular source control repository supporting a local + remote architecture for storing independent but linked copies of the source code. This pattern assists offline development activity, as changes can still be committed to the local store, and then later merged into a central server store, once connectivity is available.

Source (Cheat Sheet)

GIT Basics

The most common commands which are used in normal development situations.
These are worth remembering by heart
Command Description
git init <directory> Create an empty GIT repository
git clone <repo> Create a local copy of a repository
git config <name> Set local username (per repostory)
git add <directory> Recursively add the directory and its content to the set of staged files, but do not commit
git commit -m <message> Commit the staged files to the current repository branch
git status Get the current status of the GIT repository, listing the staged files and list all current modified files, including tracked and untracked files
git log Display complete history of all commits
git diff Show unstaged changes between indexed and working directory

GIT Branches

Commands used to create, merge and list branches

Command Description
git branch List all branches in repository
git fetch Fetches all branches from the repository.
git fetch <branch> Fetches specific branch <branch> from the repository.</code>
git checkout -b <branch> Create and check out a new branch named <branch>. Drop the -b flag to checkout an existing branch.
git merge <branch> Merge <branch> into the current branch.

GIT Changes

Commands used to see changes, and alter those changes to the working directory

Command Description
git status Get the current status of the GIT repository, listing the staged files and list all current modified files, including tracked and untracked files
git diff Show unstaged changes between indexed and working directory
git revert commit Create new commit that undoes all of the changes made in <commit> , then apply it to the current branch.
git reset <file> Remove <file> from the staged changes, without undoing changes
git clean -n Lists the files in the current working directory which would be removed if a clean took place
git clean -r Perform a clean on the current working directory

GIT History

Commands to see commit history, and revise it as required

Command Description
git log Display complete history of all commits
git commit --amend Replace the last commit with the staged changes and last commit combined. When nothing is staged, this will edit the last commit message only.
git rebase <base> Rebases the current branch onto <base>. In this scenario, <base> can be a commit ID, a branch name, a tag, or a relative reference to HEAD
git reflog Show a log of changes to the local repository’s HEAD. Add –relative-date flag to show date info or –all to show all refs.

GIT Remote Repositories

Commands which assist in the maintenance, creation and removal or remote repository resources

Command Description
git remote add <name> <url> Create a new connection to a remote repository. Afterwards, <name> becomes a reusable alias to <url>
git fetch <remote> Fetch a local copy all branches from <remote>
git fetch <remote> <branch> Fetch a local copy of the remote <branch> from <remote>
git pull <branch> Fetch a copy of the current branch from the <remote> and immediately merge it locally, but do not commit it
git push <remote> <branch> Pushes all committed changes from the current branch <branch> local repository to the remote repository

Further Detail

GIT Config

Command Description
git config --global <name> Define the author name to be used for all commits by the current user.
git config --global <email> Define the author email to be used for all commits by the current user.
git config --global alias.<alias-name> <git-command> Create shortcut for a Git command. E.g. alias.glog log –graph –oneline will set git glog equivalent to git log –graph –oneline.
git config --system core.editor <editor> Set text editor used by commands for all users on the machine. <editor> arg should be the command that launches the desired editor (e.g., vi).
git config --global --edit Open the global configuration file in a text editor for manual editing.
git config credential.helper store Stores the credentials to be used later, in ~/.git-credentials in the form https://<username>:<password> in clear text
git config credential.helper 'store --file=<filepath>' Looks up and stores the credentials to be used later, in <filepath> in the form https://<username>:<password> in clear text
git config credential.helper cache Caches the credentials to be used later, in ~/.git-credentials for 900 seconds in the form https://<username>:<password> in clear text
git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=<timeout>' Caches the credentials to be used later, for <timeout> seconds in the form https://<username>:<password> in clear text


Command Description
git log -<limit> List the last <limit> commits
git log --oneline List commits in condensed one line format
git log -p Display full diff with each commit
git log --stat List commits, including a list of which files were modified and modified line count
git log --author=<author> List all commits by a specified author
git log --grep=<pattern> List all commits which contain the <pattern> in the message
git log <from>...<to> List all commits, in the range <from> to <to>, where <from> and <to> may be commit ID, branch name, HEAD, tag, or revision reference
git log -- <file> Only display commits to the specified file
git log --graph --decorate Draw a text-based graph, and –decorate adds branch names and tags of commits

GIT Diff

Command Description
git diff HEAD Show difference between working directory and last commit.
git diff --cached Show difference between staged changes and last commit

GIT Reset

Command Description
git reset Reset staging area to most recent commit, leaving working directory unchanged
git reset -hard Reset staging area, overwriting all changes in the working directory
git reset <commit> Move the current working directory to the <commit>, leaving the current working directory unchanged
git reset --hard <commit> Move the current working directory to the <commit>, overwritting all changes in the working directory

GIT Rebase

Command Description
git rebase -i <base> Interactive rebase current branch onto branch, using a launched editor to enter commands for how each commit will be transferred to the new base.

GIT Pull

Command Description
git pull --rebase <remote> Fetch the remote’s copy of current branch and rebases it into the local copy. Uses git rebase instead of merge to integrate the branches.