MultiAgent System concepts

17 Dec 2020

MultiAgent Systems are autonomous actors which assist a systems users achieve specific goals, but do so by understanding the users requirements without external direction from the user.

Intelligent Agents

An agent is a computer aided system which is considered enclosed within an environment upon which it can interact An expert system is similar, however cannot directly interact with the environment. Typically expert systems guide users to make decisions, which interact with the system instead


Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) are systems composed of multiple agents that interact with each other to achieve certain goals or tasks. Each agent in the system is an autonomous entity capable of making decisions and taking actions based on its local knowledge and communication with other agents. In C#, you can create a simple example of a multi-agent system using classes to represent the agents. Here’s a basic example of a MAS with two agents:

using System;

// Agent class representing a basic agent in the multi-agent system
public class Agent
    public string Name { get; }
    public Agent(string name)
        Name = name;

    // Method for an agent to send a message to another agent
    public void SendMessage(Agent receiver, string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"{Name} sends message: \"{message}\" to {receiver.Name}");
        receiver.ReceiveMessage(this, message);

    // Method for an agent to receive a message from another agent
    public void ReceiveMessage(Agent sender, string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"{Name} receives message: \"{message}\" from {sender.Name}");

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        // Create two agents
        Agent agent1 = new Agent("Agent 1");
        Agent agent2 = new Agent("Agent 2");

        // Agent 1 sends a message to Agent 2
        agent1.SendMessage(agent2, "Hello, Agent 2!");

        // Agent 2 sends a message back to Agent 1
        agent2.SendMessage(agent1, "Hi, Agent 1!");

In this example, we have a simple Agent class with a Name property and methods for sending and receiving messages. The Main method in the Program class creates two agents and simulates them sending messages to each other.

This example represents the most basic form of a multi-agent system, where agents can communicate with each other directly. In real-world scenarios, multi-agent systems can be much more complex, with agents having different capabilities, knowledge, and decision-making algorithms. However, this basic example illustrates the concept of agents interacting within a multi-agent system.