17 Dec 2020

OWASP is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the dissemination assisting web developers and businesses understand and protect from malicious attacks to web applications and their underlying infrastructure, regularly updating a very useful list of top 10 threats


The organisation is a world renowned collective of leaders who use evidence based data and extensive experience to advise developers to create more secure code.

OWASP Top 10

The OWASP top 10 is regularly updated, so click the link above to access the latest link. Below find a list of common risks commonly found in web applications.

OWASP Cheat Sheets

The cheat sheets assist developers to quickly assess an applications vulnerabilities providing an A-Z of risk concepts and their fixes.

OWASP Juice Shop

A fun way to get into white-hat hacking is to attempt to break the Juice Shop, which is a purpose built website with a large number of vulnerabilities, each created as a challenge a beat. The aim of beating the Juice Shop is to train developers to create safer websites.