article ASP.Net Core

The ASP.Net Core framework has been a significant shift from the original ASP.Net Web Forms request processing chain. Here’s a rundown on the major elements.

tags: microsoft,, web

ASP.NET MVC Razor Syntax which is rendered via the Razor View Engine has been around a while. Razor is the new defacto standard for server rendered ASP.NET web applications, having surpassed the ASP.NET Web Forms technology due to its ease and flexibility particularly due to its natural melding of C# and HTML syntax, design time error detection and template capabilities.

tags: microsoft,, razor, web

ASP.Net Web Forms are a legacy web technology created by Microsoft, and are hosted using IIS web servers.

tags: microsoft,, web, webforms

Ada Lovelace is credited as the first programmer

tags: bio
article Alan Turing

Alan Turing

tags: bio
article Algorithms

Algorithm efficiency dramatically effects software success. This guide assists in selecting the correct algorithm for a task.

tags: algorithm, array, cluster, compress, encrypt, graph, heuristic, index, prune, quick, search, set, sort

Application testing concepts

tags: practices

Bayesian Networks as a probabilistic approach to solving common problems

tags: concept
concept Big O

Different data structures and algorithms provide varying inherent performance characteristics which will result in a downstream performance outcome on the systems which use them.

tags: algorithms, data

Cascading Style Sheets provide an additional layer of visual styling over HTML Document Object Model elements, in a hierarchical, forward applied, declarative manner.

tags: css, style

Cascading Style Sheets gets an additional layer of flexibility, reusability, and power via the late compiled SASS notation, supported by NodeJS and Microsoft IIS web environments, to make modern rich clients for both web browsers and desktops

tags: css, sass, style
article Caching

Caching accelerates data delivery, by maintaining a fast access collection of data close to the application

tags: concept

Cloud providers AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Services all seem to offer similar functionality. The differences however are typically found when implementation commences.

tags: aws, azure, cloud, gcs

A super brief summary of the really complex subject of compilers and transpilers

tags: ast, compiler, cst, transpiler, tree
article Cron hints

Cron is the default scheduler in linux distributions. Here’s a couple of easy helpers

tags: admin, environment, linux

Database Normalization is the process of enforcing relationships between database types, to preserve hierarchy, prevent duplication and thereby strengthen database resiliency and data integrity.

tags: database, normalization

A simple overview of coding Design Patterns, described originally by the Gang of Four, which support better code quality through the use of well-defined purpose driven components

tags: design, pattern

The Abstract Factory pattern helps objects create and interact with general types, leaving the actual concrete implementation of types and their members business logic to concrete types. This aids decoupling general behaviors from specific case behaviors

tags: design, pattern

The Factory design pattern assists the creation of an object, but defers the decision about which class to instantiate to subclasses which were built with the job of making those decisions.

tags: design, pattern

An object which represents another object or data record, and by doing so, simplifies and abstract the application from the delegating object

tags: design, pattern

Ensuring only a single instance of a class type exists

tags: design, pattern

SOLID Application Practices are well defined principles which increase an object oriented application’s flexibility and extensibility.

article DevOps

DevOps is the software practice of iterative realization of product to target environments as the intersection of development, operations and quality assurance

tags: configure, create, devops, monitor, package, plan, release, verify

A short summary of major pattern concepts when designing distributed computer software

tags: architecture, patterns
article Docker

Docker is a convenient technology to create portable isolated and reproducible runtime environments for design-time development and production hosting of applications

tags: container, docker, image, sandbox

GIT is a popular source control repository supporting a local + remote architecture for storing independent but linked copies of the source code. This pattern assists offline development activity, as changes can still be committed to the local store, and then later merged into a central server store, once connectivity is available.

tags: sourcecontrol
article Game Theory

Game Theory is the general name given to a collection of mathematical proofs to assess possible strategies for players in competitive and cooperative scenarios

tags: game, theory, advantage, gain, logic, loss, payoff, strategy

GOAP is a state based approach to automated planning and decision making, which delivers highly flexible and performant results

tags: algorithm, autonomous, planning

Huffman coding can be used to compress data using symbol frequency

tags: concept

A simple summary of JavaScript

tags: javascript

Julia is an advanced programming language which claims to have the performance of “C” and the ease of “Python”. This guide summarizes my impressions of Julia.

tags: julia, language

The powerful Keras framework (which supplements other machine learning technologies such as Tensorflow) provides a set of inbuilt activation functions which provide a alternative behaviours for different machine learning scenarios.

tags: ai, keras, machinelearning, tensorflow
spec Latex

Latex is a powerful technology to add mathematical expressions in documents, including websites. Here’s a few tips.

tags: web
article ML Comparison

This is a constantly evolving field, so I’ll keep updating this comparison and add other frameworks as time permits.

tags: ai, keras, ml, tensorflow
article Markov Chains

Markov Chains are a stochastic (random) modelling process, which aids in validating designs of systems with multiple states.

tags: stochastic

A list of Mbed Targets

tags: admin, environment, linux

MultiAgent Systems are autonomous actors which assist a systems users achieve specific goals, but do so by understanding the users requirements without external direction from the user.

tags: agent, algorithm, autonomous, distributed

The OSI 7 Layer Model describes the responsibilities of the different layers used for standardized communication over a network

tags: network, osi, standards
article OWASP

OWASP is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the dissemination assisting web developers and businesses understand and protect from malicious attacks to web applications and their underlying infrastructure, regularly updating a very useful list of top 10 threats

tags: application, security, web

The four major principles of Object Oriented Programming assist in the consolidation of an application’s functional and logical boundaries into units known as objects, which encourage atomicity, reuse and extensibility

tags: design, pattern, software

A list of common Python operations, which are typically useful in machine maintenance and application architecture

tags: environment, python

Python projects use packages to extend the base language set. Both virtualenv and pipenv provide a way to manage the packages in a project

tags: environment, python

Delivering data fast

tags: concept

Most operations in a system typically require decisions to be made to ensure that logical execution flow is followed and that business policies are adhered with.

article Regex

Regular Expressions (Regex) is a quick way to selectively pattern match and select a sequence characters within a larger sequence of characters

tags: pattern, string

A basic outline of the basic concepts of research

tags: method, methodology, process, research, science, study

Reverse indexes assist with rapid data access

tags: concept

Knowledge domains of software engineering

tags: concept

A basic syntax guide for T-SQL, used by SQL Server and Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics and Parallel Data Warehouse

tags: database, query, syntax
article UX Principles

The reason some applications are a pleasure to use typically is because they have been extensively designed to be that way, using thoughtful consideration of the inherent way humans interact with systems. This reduces the friction between the system and encourages better uptake of the final product.

tags: design, patterns, ux

The Ubuntu operating system is a popular operating system, however often accessing a gui is either not appropriate or simple not available. These command line operations help the administration and use of an Ubuntu host.

tags: ubuntu, shell, unix
article Unit Testing

Unit Testing is the process of validating small units of code, to confirm their expected behaviour within a larger application

tags: agile, testing